Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Not To Say To a Pregnant Lady

All those who are not with child, or who have not endured the trial of labor, please take note:  Pregnant ladies are sensitive and will probably take something you say the wrong way, and dwell on it, and worry about it over and over again until they see you again and you say something that didn't hurt or in some way offend them. 

I wish I could tell you why this is true, I am assuming its hormones because thats what I blame EVERYTHING on these days. Regardless, the fact of the matter is that there have been some comments come my way that have left me either scratching my head (did she really just say that?) or reaching for tissue (to wipe tears of humiliation). 

One thing that I get ALOT is shock an awe over my due date.  I am 32 weeks pregnant, I am due in mid October.  Baby Center and What to Expect both tell me that my baby is already taking up all the room in my basketball sized uterus, and will just be finalizing development of lungs and gaining fat for the next several weeks.  So based on that info alone, one would expect the size and volume of one's core area to be significantly larger than life.

Enter people who don't know any better.  I get asked all the time, "when are you due?"  And I say mid-October because I am due October 19.  Then I get all manner of what I feel are inappropriate responses.  "Ohhh not until October??"  'That much longer??" "I thought you were due earlier"  "You've still got a long ways to go"  all while staring me up and down with this tone in their voice that says to me "dang you are huge!"

For those of you who are wondering, the CORRECT answer/response would be "That is great! I am sure you are excited" or "Wow, that is just around the corner!" or "It'll be here before you know it!" NOT: "Wow its 100 degrees outside right now and fall is so far away, we will be well into football season before you even feel one contraction."

I also can't handle the inappropriately long staring and unsolicited touching.  I understand that pregnant ladies are a beautiful site to see, but there are some people that I see every day who don't even make eye contact but just STARE at my gut.  This makes me incredibly uncomfortable.  I mean, we already feel like we stick out like a sore thumb, must you add insult to injury with the constant staring??   And being touched without warning really gives me anxiety.  I am not a Buddha, and I promise you that I won't grant any wishes for those who touch without permission!

Am I overreacting?  Maybe.  But I am also pregnant, and hormonal, and very sensitive.  So when I feel like someone is judging my size in a critical tone, I get my feelings hurt.  I don't know of anyone who wouldn't! 

Now that I got that off my chest, I feel alot better.  Thank you anonymous interwebs, for listening and understanding.  A girl just wants to feel pretty and accepted when she is ginormous with child, not looked at up and down by critical eyes!

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